eguide.pdf=5,The Internet Guide,{MAIN_DIR}\ElnBook,{PROGRAMS}EarthLink Network,{MAIN_DIR}\ElnBook\tabook.ico
;* - means selected for install by default
*Internet Explorer 3.0=6,IExplor,Internet Explorer 3.0 - This is the Microsoft Internet browser that allows you to surf the Internet.
*Internet Explorer 4.0=4,2{SRC_DIR}MSIE4\launchme.exe {SRC_DIR}MSIE4\ie4setup.exe /Q /C:"IE4WZD.EXE /q /r:n /U:""FILE://{SRC_DIR}msie4\"" /i:n", Internet Explorer 4.0 - This is the Microsoft Internet browser that allows you to surf the Internet.
*Netscape 3.0=6,Netscape,Netscape Navigator 3.0 - This is Netscape Navigator browser that allows you to surf the Internet.
*Acrobat Reader 3.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}ElnBook\setup.exe,The Acrobat reader - viewer for PDF files. This is necessary to view The Internet Guide document.
*EarthLink Dialer 1.0=6,Dialer,This is the EarthLink dialer program that allows you to dial into the network.
*EarthLink Support Wizard 1.0=6,SupWiz,This is the EarthLink Support Wizard program that allows you to trouble shoot your system components.
*Netscape Communicator 4.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}NSComm\setup.exe, Netscape Communicator 4.0 - This is the Netscape browser and mail suite.
EarthLink Toolbar 1.0=6,Toolbar,This is the EarthLink Toolbar program that allows you to find and launch any application which you have installed.
CNet's Download Manager 1.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}Dlm\insdlm20.exe,CNet's Download Manager 1.0 - This program is used to download the latest software from the Net.
RealPlayer v4.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}rplayer\rp32_401.exe,RealPlayer 4.0 - This program allows you to play audio and video files.
Cu-SeeMe W0.84B7=6,Cu-SeeMe,Cu-SeeMe - This allows real-time videoconferencing over the Internet.
FreeAgent 1.11=4,1{SRC_DIR}FreeAgen\fa32-111.exe,FortΘ FreeAgent 1.11 - This allows you to read and post to USENET newsgroups.
VDOLive Personal Server and Tools 1.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}VdoliveP\Persserv.exe,VDOLive Personal Server and Tools - This installs a personal server for VDO Live.
WinZip 6.2=4,1{SRC_DIR}WinZip\setup.exe,WinZip 6.2 - This compresses and uncompresses files you transmit and receive from the Internet.
WS Archie 0.7A=6,Wsarchie,WS Archie 0.7A - This allows simple searches of FTP archives.
mIRC 5.02=4,1{SRC_DIR}MIRC\mirc502t.exe,mIRC 5.02 - This gives you access to Internet Relay Chat (IRC), a service allowing people from all over the world to chat live via text messages.
QVT/Term 4.1=4,1{SRC_DIR}QVTTerm\setup.exe,QVT/Term 4.1 - This allows you to open up a VT-100 terminal connection to any computer on the Internet.
ICQ 1.11=4,1{SRC_DIR}ICQ\icqsetup.exe,ICQ 1.11 - This allows you to open up a VT-100 terminal connection to any computer on the Internet.
NetMedic 1.1=4,1{SRC_DIR}NetMedic\nm11.exe,NetMedic 1.1 - This program analyzes your internet traffic in order to determine how fast or slow it is going, the causes of delays if any and so on. It's a great troubleshooting tool.
Internet Coach 1.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}Icoach\setup.exe,Internet Coach 1.0 - This is a tutorial on using Netscape Navigator to access the Internet.
Internet Phone 3.5=4,1{SRC_DIR}IPhone\setup.exe,Internet Phone 3.5 - This is a real time voice communication over the Internet.
OilChange 1.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}OilChng\setup.exe,OilChange 1.0 - This is to help you locate and install updates for the hardware and software on your computer using your Internet connection.
QuickSite 1.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}QuikSite\setup.exe, QuickSite 1.0 - This is an automatic WEB-page creation and site manager.
QuickTime 2.1.2=4,1{SRC_DIR}QuikTime\Qt32inst.exe, QuickTime 2.1.2 - This is a program that lets you watch movies on you PC.
RealAudio 3.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}RelAudio\ra32_30.exe, RealAudio 3.0 - This is a program that lets you listen to sound files.
Surfwatch 1.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}Sfwatch\setup.EXE, Surfwatch 1.0 - This is the program that prevents kids from accessing most adult WEB-pages.
Air Warrior 1.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}Airwar\setup.EXE, Air Warrior 1.0 - An online air combat simulation program.
Casino Poker 1.23b=4,1{SRC_DIR}Poker\Powm123b.EXE, Casino Poker - An online card game program.
ShockWave 5.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}ShokWave\setup.EXE, Macromedia Shockwave - Components for a fully interactive multimedia clickable and dynamic animations-graphics-text-and audio from directly within your web browser.
Web Workshop 1.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}webshop\setup.EXE, Web Workshop introduces you to the fun of making places or "sites" on the World Wide Web that other people can look at using a viewer called a "browser." Using Web Workshop the pages in your site can have sounds graphics and links to other pages and sites.
IChat v2.22=4,1{SRC_DIR}ichat\icnp222.exe,IChat 2.22 - This a crappy chat plugin.
CyberMedia UnInstaller 4.5=4,1{SRC_DIR}Ui\Setup.exe,CyberMedia UnInstaller 4.5 - This program helps you remove all of the components that a software package has installed.
CyberMedia First Aid 4.04=4,1{SRC_DIR}Firstaid\Setup.exe,CyberMedia First Aid 4.04 - This program will fix problems that occur with your computers software.
Internet Yellow Pages=4,1{SRC_DIR}IntYelPg\Setup.exe,Internet Yellow Pages - This program allows use Internet Yellow Pages as your phone book.
Claris Home Page v2 (Trial)=4,1{SRC_DIR}ClarisHP\Chp60day.exe,Claris Home Page v2 (Trial) - This program allows you to easy create your own web pages.
Netopia Virtual Office(Trial) v1.1=4,1{SRC_DIR}Netopia\nvo11e.exe,Netopia Virtual Office v1.1(Trial) - This program turns your PC into a Collaborative Web Office.
Active Office 1.0(Trialware)=4,1{SRC_DIR}ActivOff\Setup.exe,Active Office 1.0(Trialware) - ActiveOffice is a software designed as a graphic companion to MS Office.
Active Presenter 1.0(Trialware)=4,1{SRC_DIR}ActivPre\Setup.exe,Active Prasenter 1.0(Trialware) - ActivePresenter for Windows 95 is a complete solution for creating and viewing presentations on the Web.
SurfBoard 1.1.1=4,1{SRC_DIR}SurfBrd\disk1\setup.exe,SurfBoard 1.1.1 - The software for the GI's high-performance cable down/telephone return SURFboard SB1000 cable modems which provide personal computer users with access to the Internet and multimedia services over cable TV networks.
Internet Utilities 2.0.24=4,1{SRC_DIR}Starfish\setup.exe,Internet Utilities 2.0.24 - Starfish Internet Utilities 97 makes it easy to keep track of your various Internet Bookmarks. Internet Utilities 97 also comes preconfigured with many of the internets best web sites.
QuickBooks v5.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}QuikBook\Install.exe,QuickBooks v5.0 - This program allows you to keep track on many different areas of your business with regards to your financial matters.
WinFax v8.0=4,1{SRC_DIR}WinFax\winfax80.exe,WinFax v8.0 - This program allows you to manage many of your telecommunication needs, primerely sending and receiving faxes.
EccoPro 4.01=4,1{SRC_DIR}EccoPro\Setup32.exe,ECCO Pro 4.01 is an Information Manager that provides all the tools you need to simplify your life.
YDKJ =4,1{SRC_DIR}Ydkj\JakSetup.exe,You Don't Know Jack launches Jack Net show Internet game.
YDKJ Sport=4,1{SRC_DIR}YdkjSpor\SpoSetup.exe,You Don't Know Jack Sports launches Jack Sports Net show Internet game.